author = {W. Windsteiger},
title = {{Automated Theorem Proving in the Classroom}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2021)}},
language = {english},
abstract = {We report on several scenarios of using automated theorem proving software in university education. In particular, we focus on using the Theorema system in a software-enhanced logic-course for students in computer science or artificial intelligence. The purpose of using logic-software in our teaching is emph{not} to teach students the proper use of a particular piece of software. In contrast, we try to emph{employ} certain software in order to spark students' motivation and to support their understanding of logic principles they are supposed to understand after having passed the course. In a sense, we try to let the software act as a logic-tutor, the software is not an additional subject we teach.},
series = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS)},
volume = {352},
pages = {54--63},
isbn_issn = {ISSN 2075-2180},
year = {2021},
note = {Extended abstract},
editor = {Predrag Janicic},
refereed = {no},
length = {10},
conferencename = {Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2021)},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.352.6}