author = {Meng Zhou and Franz Winkler},
title = {{Computing difference-differential Groebner Bases and difference-differential dimension polynomials}},
language = {english},
abstract = {Dfference-differential Groebner bases and the algorithms were introduced by M.Zhou and F.Winkler (2006). In this paper we will make further investigations for the key concept of S-polynomials in the algorithm and we will improve tech- nically the algorithm. Then we apply the algorithm to compute the difference- differential dimension polynomial of a difference-differential module and of a system of linear partial difference-differential equations. Also, in cyclic module case, we present an algorithm to compute the difference-differential dimension polynomials in two variables with the Groebner basis. },
number = {07-01},
year = {2007},
month = {January},
keywords = {difference-differential Groebner basis, S-polynomial, difference-differential dimension polynomial},
sponsor = {FWF project P16357-N04},
length = {18},
type = {RISC Report Series},
institution = {Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz},
address = {Schloss Hagenberg, 4232 Hagenberg, Austria}